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True Meaning of Easter

Many people are wondering what Easter actually means, as the true meaning of Easter has been lost. What I can tell you is it isn't about cute little fluffy chickens, nor does it have anything to do with Easter bunnies. It isn't even about Easter eggs. Although an egg can represent 'new life' because new life hatches from the egg, and Jesus was resurrected on the third day - giving us new life in Him. But just like Christmas, the real meaning has been forgotten. For those of us who are Christians, we understand what Easter is all about. But for those who haven't experienced this 'new life' in Jesus, I want to share with you the Easter story.

In Old Testament times, the priest would bring bulls, goats or a spotless lamb without any blemishes to be sacrificed as a sin offering for himself and for the people. The blood would purify and make atonement (forgive, make amends) for their sins. This was the old order of atonement. When Jesus came, He was a representation of the sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the world. He was the final sacrifice. We no longer have to sacrifice animals to make atonement for our sins. Jesus has done this once and for all. It's His blood that cleanses us from all sin. He was crucified on the cross (the form of execution in those days). The sin of the world was upon Him, yet He was without sin and blameless. He bore it all. This is why Jesus is referred to as the 'Lamb of God'. He was bodily resurrected (came back to life) on the third day. He appeared to many - eating and drinking with them. He appeared to them for 40 days, then ascended to Heaven.

Be sure to read the Crucifixion story and
the Resurrection story from the Bible.

-Pastor Chris

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site last updated October 7th, 2021     

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